sabato 1 luglio 2017

Demystification Committee :: Empire Management General Meeting @ Berlin (10th July, Postdamer Platz)

Global Gateway, Seychelles. The approximate legal location of one part of Empire Management.

"In inventing the homo oeconomicus, economists have engaged in a double abstraction. First, the unwarranted one of having conceived of a man with nothing human in his heart; second, of having represented this individual as detached from any group, corporation, sect, party, homeland, or association of any sort”

Gabriel Tarde, Psychologie économique, 1902

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The scale and complexity of the offshore financial system has come to light, as have many of its effects, but what of its day-to-day experience? What does it mean to be offshore; intentionally detached, and necessarily diffuse? Where is offshore, and can we go there? What do complex offshore structures look and feel like from within?

To begin to unpack these questions the Demystification Committee - a framework for art and research - has set up an international corporate structure across a number of jurisdictions: an Offshore Investigation Vehicle. At the head of this corporate structure is Empire Management Limited, a UK Private Limited Company. 

On Monday 10 July, Empire Management Limited will hold a general meeting of shareholders specifically aimed at onboarding new investors and introducing them to the current global structure of the company, its objectives, and its business strategies. Through this meeting shareholders will engage in participatory examples of the business strategies of the company and its offshore subsidiaries, as well as discussing and voting on resolutions that shape its future.

Attendees will need to be shareholders in Empire Management Limited for as little as the duration of the meeting, or — should they so wish — for the lifetime of the company. For as long as they are shareholders, attendees will have the right to attend (physically or virtually) any of the company’s general meetings at which they will be able to, among other things, vote on company resolutions and experience further offshore investment and tactics.

Empire Management General Meeting
Monday 10 July, 14:00-18:00
Potsdamer Platz 5
10785, Berlin

The process of becoming a shareholder will be taken care of prior to the meeting’s commencement - shares cost €1, and the company offers an immediate buyback scheme. If you would like to invest in Empire Management Limited and attend the General Meeting, please email with a little about why you would like to be involved.

The sun never sets on Empire Management.

Related participants: Demystification Committee it gb, Obsolete Capitalism (it wo), and Kyberneticos Kommando (cy, wo), Total Bureau (cy, wo) and many more...

Demystification Committee :: E' tempo di EMPIRE MANAGEMENT !! @ Fussler Research Archive

Global Gateway, Seychelles: l’indirizzo legale di una delle sussidiarie di EMPIRE MANAGEMENT.

"Nell’inventare l’homo oeconomicus, gli economisti si sono impegnati in una doppia astrazione. Da un lato, l’aver concepito un uomo con nulla di umano in cuore; dall’altro l’aver rappresentato questo individuo come distaccato da qualsiasi gruppo, societá, partito, setta, o comunità di qualunque tipo."—Gabriel Tarde, Psychologie économique, 1902

Le dimensioni e la complessità del sistema finanziario offshore (colloquialmente noto come "paradiso fiscale”) stanno venendo sempre piú alla luce, così come le nefaste conseguenze economiche di questo apparato in continua crescita. Ma cosa significa essere offshore? Dove si trova il paradiso fiscale? In mare aperto? E, sopratutto, é possibile visitarlo?

Per rispondere a queste domande, il Demystification Committee - un collettivo che si impegna in ricerca artistica - ha creato una struttura aziendale internazionale che attraversa il Regno Unito, le Seychelles e Saint Vincent e Grenadine: un Veicolo di Investigazione Offshore. A capo di questa struttura siede EMPIRE MANAGEMENT, una societá per azioni britannica.

Lunedì 10 Luglio, EMPIRE MANAGEMENT vi invita ad una riunione generale finalizzata ad individuare nuovi investitori, tutti voi, rendervi famigliari con la struttura aziendale e discutere possibili strategie di business. Diventando azionisti scoprirete quali trucchi e cortocircuiti legali permettono ad EMPIRE MANAGEMENT di operare a distanza, rimanere anonimi ed effettuare operazioni finanziarie. Potrete inoltre proporre, discutere e votare possibili investimenti futuri.

Le azioni costano soltanto 1€ ed in caso di necessità EMPIRE MANAGEMENT si impegna a ricomprarle a fine giornata. Potrete infatti concludere il rapporto con la societá a fine riunione o, se lo desiderate, rimanere azionisti a tempo indeterminato. Questo vi darà diritto di partecipare alle prossime riunioni generali e sperimentare ulteriormente con le tattiche del mondo offshore.

Per partecipare, mandate una email a indicando il nome, la professione e il metodo di partecipazione (fisica o virtuale via Skype).

Lunedì 10 Luglio, 14:00-18:00
Potsdamer Platz 5
10785, Berlino

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