Going further in the movement of decoding and deterritorialization
Let us better analyse the proposal of going further. To go against Samir Amin’s left wing nationalism means, for Deleuze and Guattari, to go further in the movement of decoding and deterritorialization of the market, where the movement does not solely apply to the market but to the revolutionary realm too. The expression to go further can be read as a prolongation not only of the capital itself - as it may seem under an «economical» reading of the passage - but as a movement to take the process as far as possible, overturning the initial meaning. Deleuze reports in his Nietzsche (1965) that the same expression had already been used by Nietzsche in a passage from The Antichrist: “Mankind has ventured to call pity a virtue (--in every superior moral system it appears as a weakness--); going still further, it has been called the virtue, the source and foundation of all other virtues--but let us always bear in mind that this was from the standpoint of a philosophy that was nihilistic, and upon whose shield the denial of life was inscribed. Schopenhauer was right in this: that by means of pity life is denied, and made worthy of denial--pity is the technic of nihilism” (AC, 11). The phrase «to go [still] further» is repeated twice in the passage The Civilized Capitalist Machine. If we follow Nietzsche’s interpretation of the nomadic deterritorialization and the lawless destruction - the decoding - we understand that the «process» to accelerate is quite the opposite of the one proper to the market. In Nietzsche’s thought the market movement implies a nihilist praxis, a double negative movement, a «saying “no” to life»,
in Nietzschean words. The first movement
represses any impulse and destroys any
difference, any self-organized network,
being its only goal the constant flow of
goods to create and distribute richness
through the the remuneration of the
capital. The second movement, immanent
to the first one, produces a process of
levelling and compliance as necessary
condition to the survival of humanity at
such level of artificiality. In Nietzsche’s
fragment entitled The Strong of the Future
the same process is highlighted and the
two positive movements of liberation
and differentiation - Nietzsche’s «saying
yes to life» - represent, in Deleuze and
Guattari’s words, a way to “free[ing] flows,
going further and further into contrivance:
a schizophrenic is someone who's been
decoded, deterritorialized” especially when
considering the process as a theory and
a praxis of fluxes with high schizophrenic
content. “We make a distinction between
schizophrenia as a process and the way
schizophrenics are produced as clinical
cases that need hospitalizing: it's almost the
same thing in reverse. The schizophrenics
in hospitals are people who've tried to do
something and failed, cracked up. We're not
saying revolutionaries are schizophrenics.
We're saying there's a schizoid process, of
decoding and deterritorializing, which only
revolutionary activity can stop turning
into the production of schizophrenia.” (N,
23) At this point their question is: what is
schizoanalysis if not a militant libidino-
economic, libidino-political analysis? (N, 19)
Moreover, assuming that the subconscious
produces desire through a schizo-process, which goal does schizoanalysis
have? Deleuze stunning definition follows:
“Schizoanalysis has one single aim- to
get revolutionary, artistic, and analytic
machines working as parts, cogs, of one
another. Again, if you take delire, we see
it as having two poles, a fascist paranoid
pole and a schizo-revolutionary pole. That's
what we're interested in: revolutionary
schisis as opposed to the despotic signifier.”
(N, 24) Our task now is to identify whether
Nietzsche’s strong of the future exponents,
and anticapitalist parasitic bohemians,
introduced by the accelerationist fragment
in the Anti-Œdipus, may correspond
to Deleuze and Guattari's anti-oedipal
desiring machines and a-fascist nomadic
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