sabato 4 novembre 2017

Xamaycan Funeral March Re::work (Variation on Franco D'Andrea's Afro Abstraction) By Obsolete Capitalism Sound System (Pt. III, Chaos Sive Natura, Rizosfera/Nukfm, SF011.eng, 2017)

:: Chaos Sive Natura (SF.011.eng)


(...) The development of the concept that lies in Chaos sive Natura is unexpectedly not present in books like The Gay Science or in Thus Spoke Zarathustra, respectively published in 1882 and 1883. We find it instead in an unpublished notebook about the preparatory and narrative development of the concept of Eternal Recurrence. The notebook is known as M-III-1 and it was written in the summer of the year 1881, later collected in Colli & Montinari Italian edition of Unpublished Notes  or Posthumous Fragments as fragment 11 [195] e 11 [ 197 ].

The conceptual and argumentative development of the Eternal Recurrence has an eloquent title: Outlining of a new way of living and it is divided into four books by Nietzsche:

  • “First Book: in the style of the first part of Ninth Symphony. Chaos sive Natura: on the dehumanization of Nature. Prometheus is chained on Caucasus. Write with Κράτος cruelty, thus “power”.
  • Second Book: Fast, skeptical, Mephistophelian. On the assimilation of experiences. Knowledge = a mistake that becomes organic and organizes.

    • Third Book: A deepest passion and a hyperuranic sublimity are here together expressed for the very first time: “On the happiness of the lonesome” - he is the one that once was «part of the others» and has now reached the peak of independence: the perfect ego; only now such an ego can feel love, because  in the phases that do not reach the top of loneliness and self-domain, something different from love lies.
    • Fourth Book: dithyrambic breath. «Annulus æternitatis». Desire of living it all, once more and infinite times. The incessant transformation - in a short time you have to pass through many individuals. The means is the incessant fight. (...)

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