mercoledì 17 settembre 2014

Obsolete Capitalism: Data is Data. Less is not more: more is more (Pt. XVII - The Birth of Digital Populism)

Data is Data. Less is not more: more is more

At the climax of avant-gardes and minimalist design, Mies van der Rohe coined the famous motto ‘Less is more’. In the age of Data Deluge, Chris Anderson easily states that more is not just more. Besides, he suggests that today the unlimited availability of data requires a new connective intelligence. Massive data interconnections ask to be thought differently, as Google teaches us; therefore, ‘the more’ of this era of data must be different. How can a future political party – such as Casaleggio’s  web-based organization – target its customers with accuracy if the party itself works as a business enterprise in a highly competitive market? Advanced Data Science answers this question with smart algorithms that collect, store, analyse and use widely scattered data from the web and its meta-dimension, which encompasses the entire social context. These algorithms produce users’ profiles by targeting the data they generate in a given environment. Such comprehensive and ubiquitous control creates two different data categories of the digital world: user data and user behaviour. It is necessary to distinguish between person and behavior. User data includes individual information necessary to thoroughly reconstruct one’s identity – this can be called the ‘user-voter’ figure; on the other hand, ‘user behaviour’ contains information on actions carried out by the user-voter. A general profile and model results from the intersection of these two categories. Furthermore, the individual and group user-voter classification is supported by Machine Learning, a discipline that deals with computational systems, which are improved by experiential learning. (...)

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