domenica 22 novembre 2015

E.2.1. - On the missing notes - Pt. IV - Excerpt from the essay «Money, Revolution and Acceleration in Deleuze and Guattari's Anti-Oedipus», Obsolete Capitalism Free Press/Rizosphere, 2016

chapteR ii

The morning acceleration: a headless revolution

Thinking about it today it seems to me obvious that for years, especially in the 70’s, nomads were the image of Good. Nomadic was what wriggled out of tangled malicious control. Nomadic was what escaped from the persecution of the New Man, who was - in the best case - a screw and most frequently a mole. 
Roberto Calasso, L’Occhio Assoluto (1993) 

To Lenin, who asserted that Socialism was the Soviet power plus the electrification, Kronstadt answered: it is the Party plus the executions. 
Jean-Francois Lyotard, Energumen Capitalism (1972) 

On the missing notes

In 1966, Foucault and Deleuze became editors of the French edition of Colli-Montinari’s Complete Works of F. Nietzsche. Their coauthored “General Introduction,” published in 1967 as part of volume V which included Klossowki’s translation of The Gay Science and the Unpublished Fragments (1881-1882); in this edition they expressed the hope that the publication could open to a total “return to Nietzsche” thanks to Colli and Montinari’s work, which they defined as crucial. The main problem around Nietzsche in the 60’s was the issue of the Nachlass“...before accurate and credible scholars started collecting and reordering Nietzsche’s Nachlass, we only knew that a certain book called The Will of Power existed and that it was an arbitrary cut of Nietzsche’s posthumous writings and notes of various times and origins”(CWN, General Introduction). The major problem was not only the «fictional» book but the introduction of a rigorous and scientific criterion to definitively order the big amount of posthumous written texts left by Nietzsche“the handwritten notebooks are at least three times the size of Nietzsche’s publication during his lifetime. The unpublished fragments already distributed are many fewer than those still to be put in print” (CWN, General Introduction). Montinari and his team of researchers carefully searched in Weimar’s archives and decided, together with Colli and the Italian publisher Adelphi, «to publish Nietzsche’s notebooks following a chronological order in accordance with the corresponding periods of Nietzsche’s published works». Deleuze and Foucault immediately understood the importance of such an immense work: “It is at least on three main points that the reading of Nietzsche’s work has radically changed after Colli and Montinari’s work: one, it is now possible to notice distortions due to Elisabeth Nietzsche and Peter Gast’s edition, two, we may trace mistakes in dates, misinterpretation of the texts and numerous omissions in the previous editions of the Nachlass and three, it is now possible to know the big amount of the unpublished tests” (CWN, General Introduction). The expectation was palpable 
in the 60’s: it was finally possible not only to get a wider and more complete idea on how Nietzsche elaborated his concepts, transforming, enriching and deforming them in his «mental laboratory» but also to detect various undiscovered and unknown meanings of his philosophy among the huge amount of the Nachlass. This to explain and clarify that the missing footnote in the chapter The Civilized Capitalist Machine is neither a lack of attention nor carelessness of the authors or the publisher, and not even an attempt to keep enigmatic a paragraph that dealt with a «somber and reactionary» writer as Nietzsche. As already mentioned in our article, The Strong of the Future- the final passage of the chapter The Civilized Capitalist Machine and locus classicus of the accelerationist movement - is numbered 9 [153] as established by Colli and Montinari’s critical edition. 

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